
Chanku Luta (Red Road)

Hau Mitakuyapi
Take a minute, read, review, comment, we of the Dakota Nation may be forgotten in time, but for now we will never be ignored...I will see you on the Red Road of Life...Wopida Tanka
Hokshida Maza (Iron Boy) Bdewakantowan Dakota Akichita

Friday, October 8, 2010

Minnesota Dakota Treaty Histories and the International Landscape


1805 Zebulon Pike Treaty

1825 Prairie du Chien Treaty

1837 Treaty of Traverse des Sioux

1851 1837 (repeated)

1852 Prarie du Chien II

1858 Senate Resolution

1858 with Wahpekute/Mdewakanton

1858 with Sisseton

1858 with Yankton/Pipestone Agreement

1862 Dakota Conflict

1862 December 26-Mass hanging of Dakota Akichita at Mankato

1862  December 26 Mayo family steal Dakota remains and initiate Mayo Clinic

1 comment:

Dakota Perspective said...

This post is in development stages, thank you for your patience, Ron