
Chanku Luta (Red Road)

Hau Mitakuyapi
Take a minute, read, review, comment, we of the Dakota Nation may be forgotten in time, but for now we will never be ignored...I will see you on the Red Road of Life...Wopida Tanka
Hokshida Maza (Iron Boy) Bdewakantowan Dakota Akichita

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


First Nations International

And Climate Change

September 2025

Ronald P. Leith

From Florida to North Carolina, the southeast of America has been flooded with water and blown apart by wind. Many communities have been destroyed, many for the first time. People whose families have been living there for generations have lost everything.

These disasters are worsening as climate events become more destructive and widespread.

This is also the area where the removal of Indigenous Nations has been the most destructive, and widespread, and where total eradication has proved to be the most effective.

There are very few original inhabitants still living in these areas.

The original colonialists waged a complete and deliberate war of annihilation and removal from the middle of the 16th century right up until the late 1800s.

As a result of the eastern seaboard being settled first the original inhabitants were eventually seen as a hindrance to their progress. So the American war of attrition was congressionally and privately seen as a just war. So the forced removal was waged to make room for the millions of “New World” inhabitants who would build homes and businesses from Maine to Florida provided the land could be stolen and made available for settlement.

Now all of those multi-generational homes are being systematically destroyed by the weather.

God is at work here somewhere. Maybe the Christian version of God has gotten fed up with the Christian hypocrisy. Maybe American Christianity has lost touch with its own Creator.

I do not wish pain, difficulty, and hardship on any other human being. But natural disasters cannot be thwarted as easily as flipping a switch.

At the same time, there’s another movement that’s taking place a little to the west along the United States-Mexico border. That is the million family migration of Indigenous people into the United States. The majority of these families are here in search of a life, a better life than what is available in their home countries. The death and destruction that abounds in those countries many times are not understood or even acknowledged by the common American. As in America, we have become complacent and comfortable in all that we enjoy.

But there is a surge of resistance to this movement. These families are being seen as invaders, usurpers, criminals, and thieves with no right to infringe on the American way of life. This is a rich sentiment coming from a people who destroyed the original lifestyles of the eastern seaboard communities that have lived here for thousands of years.

So now there are two groups of people whose lives have been uprooted. The Americans living through a natural disaster in the southeast and the South and Central Americans fleeing an unbearable and unsustainable lifestyle of poverty, death, and despair.

But rather than come together in their time of need some have chosen divisiveness, blame, and anger. Each looks to the other as the prime cause of their human desperation. This is a lose-lose formula for progress. 


In the current election year, many Americans have focused on a flimsy blame game whose playbook is taken from the 1930s Nazi Germany.  Rather than accept responsibility for their downfalls in economic, and social affairs they have chosen to create a series of foreign demons who as targets are easier to blame. Thus we have a resurgence of the same policies that have been regurgitated from the 1500s and the 1930s. Their solutions are to not create solutions but only to project a nemesis which in reality is their shortcoming.

The real solution to any of these tribulations is unity, forgiveness, and mutual support. But so much time has passed where these attributes have not been utilized they have grown a dust where they’re no longer easily visible or even accessible. So many have chosen to place blame rather than look to the most reasonable avenues to rebuilding a country where equality and freedom are true keys to success.

Everything happens for a reason. As natural human beings, many of us in Indigenous communities all across the Northern Hemisphere are not surprised by these events. Our elders and spiritual leaders have been warning of a coming natural imbalance for many years. We have tried to warn those who would not heed any warnings. We have tried to offer humane solutions to a disruption that may or may not have been avoided. We cried for logistical preparation and spiritual caution in human behavior.

But not only have we not been heard we have been dismissed as militants, enemies of the state, imprisoned, and murdered without remorse or repercussion. But it’s not too late. There is always hope. The only impairment we suffer is in our invisibility. But perhaps we will be seen before it’s too late for anyone to change.

Ronald P. Leith


Monday, April 4, 2022

Christianity's War on the Indigenous People of the Western Hemisphere (A Personal Dialogue)

Spiritual Life and Religious Death in Indian Country

The  war between Christianity and the Indigenous people of the western hemisphere has been one of the world's longest wars.  Beginning with the enslavement of the first Indigenous members of the western hemisphere to the imprisonment of the Indigenous children of Canada.

In the process of this proselytizing, the Church, any church, has destroyed the core value system of the American Indian.  Hoping to replicate that system with the word of God as envisioned by the church leaders.  But the church has bastardized the word of God and it's original purpose by imposing their own morals and values as the covenant.

Christopher Columbus's goal was not to advocate for religion, it was to find silk from China. He did not enable Christianity but rather induced the slave trade by abducting the Taino natives.

In John Hagee's book "Jerusalem Countdown," (A Prelude to War), (2006,2007), he interviews Bridgette Gabriel about the population explosion among the Muslims and "...terrorists breeding terrorists..." in the middle east and the world.  Citing the  Muslim's multiple wives protocol as the reason for the explosion and the problem it creates for Christian survival.

This same type of antagonistic Christian thinking in the western hemisphere was one impetus for a widespread pogrom of sterilization among Native women.  Where mass assimilation and cultural indoctrination did not work in the "civilizing" of the Native populations, genetic annihilation and female sterilization became the Christian duty.

As one of the largest corporations in the world during the 15th century the Church had to expand it's reign and thereby increase their resources, and silver and gold was always a power base for the church.

The exploitation of the New World afforded the church an opportunity to expand it's power base and increase it's influence over the monarchy in charge.  The monarchy in turn believed in the holy blessings of the church as they became the frontrunners for a new world order.  "With God on Our side" became the ulterior mantra of the day, while the administrators dribbled a saliva of greed and gluttony.

New World documents such as the Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny, and the Magna Carta became the tools of legitimacy in the church's headlong foray into it's evangelical work with the heathen, savage races of sub-human's, who obviously were in dire need of Jesus Christ and God Almighty.

The existentialist spirituality of the Indigenous communities of the western hemisphere have always been innate.  They make up the longest and most enduring of spiritual realms of the world.  They still exist.  They are pre-Columbian and post-Wounded Knee.

The American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 reaffirmed this existence.

When the Jesuits and other evangelists made virgin contact with the Indigenous populace the assumption was that there was a sub-human race that had populated this wilderness and their way of life must be eradicated physically and spiritually. 

And eradicate they did, by fire, gun, cross, water, oil, disease, slavery, rape, pedophilia, forced labor and by eating the spirits of the true Indigenous people's of the western hemisphere.

And they are still eating.

But we are still here.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Peace Stands with Standing Rock

Peace Stands with Standing Rock
Ronald P. Leith (Ta-humpa Was'te, Good Moccasin)

The fire that was set in Standing Rock by the Oceti Sakowin, NoDAPL, and a multitude of national and international participants has now spread across the United States and all over the world.  The threat of total water pollution and clean water decimation has brought together people from all walks of life, all professions and a variety of grass roots movement who gather to serve one purpose.
The blockade of corporate operations transporting oil from Canada to the United
States and beyond has become a central objective for activists of all color, race and creed.  Many of these activists have not had a confrontational background from which to draw an integral conflict strategy.  Although the international history of non-violent action has left it's mark on many as a exemplary framework from which to create a new strategy for confrontation and conflict resolution.

Peace has become the primary and preferable tool to be faithfully followed and utilized in the face of overt militaristic action, especially in the case of Standing Rock vs the Dakota Access Pipeline and their enforcers from Morton County, North Dakota and beyond.

The international practice of non-violence has a demonstrated and lengthy history which include prominent players who are now an embedded part of world history.  The effective legacy they have left us with proclaims victories many at Standing Rock may not have heard of, sought or recognized.   Although they have proven to be highly effective nonetheless. So becoming peace activists in their own right they are creating a legacy of their own which includes non-violent strategies which have been stable and proven in history.

The antagonist police state has evolved into multi-national corporate oligarchy, demonized corporation CEO's, and private armies of militarily trained goons.  Not that much different from the Indian state police actors of Mahatma Ghandi's era or the southern city and state police of Martin Luther King's.  Even though the names, faces and uniforms have changed the mission has remained the same.  The protection and defense of imperialist colonialism and the development and the growth of the wealthy elite and their financial gain.

As effective as the peace movements new efforts have been to defend the world's natural resources we still find that corporatism has an edge we cannot seem to dull or erode.  This is the philosophical mindset empowered and emboldened by a select few who are careless, privileged and fearful of a future in which all are equal and the fiscal state is evenly distributed and balanced.

Herein lies the opportunity for brave new tactics to be developed around peaceful opposition to a corporate imperialistic power which is longing to drain the earth of all it's life sustaining gas, minerals and energy.  It's a preemptive strike which must be targeted at the corporate training modules current set in the primary and secondary educational milieus worldwide.  These programs have been set by multi-national corporations seeking to train new megatronic, and industrialist classes which promulgate their ruling class systems.

This demands a life changing educational model that is holistic driven around the inter-connectedness of all life and the vital understanding that when one part of the system is damaged we all suffer the consequences either in this life-time or our descendants suffer in their lifetime.  Life success for one should not mean the denigration and cancellation of life for all, including those who cannot defend themselves.

So while many of us are currently still in the field with our bandana's, long sleeves, provocative signs and dark glasses we need to send an army of educators out into the universe who will re-educate and implode the non-violent holistic approach to a proactive movement which will defend the earth against all corporate imperialistic machines.

The current US administration is adamantly focused on dismantling all protective legal barriers to the self-destructive path of corporate and governmental entities who have deemed them to be a hindrance to America's growth.  Clean water, unpolluted air, safe cars, stable housing are only a few of the targets chosen for disruption and elimination by the Trump administration.

The frightening fact is not that they are becoming a reality, but rather that there are individuals in the corporate, educational and government fields that are standing by not making any attempt to curtail or stop these processes.  And we know that those who do nothing are just as vulnerable as those who can do something.

When apathy reigns in the face of self destruction a new path must be cleared for those who recognize and loathe the ultimate motive and outcome.  While peaceful protests do bring worldwide attention and broadly educate it is also a reactionary method of disruption.  Typically we end up in the court system where we may be heard or in some cases we may be disqualified as legitimate parties to the issue.

The small pockets of re-training of what it means to be a community member has had effect but it is also taking the long way around.  The New Age movement, the post Kent State strategists, and the Anti Vietnam War coalitions are just a few of the effective models developed and ensconced in the American revolutionary resistance tradition.

But to have to reactivate these methods every ten years or so can be a diluting and nationally discouraging exercise making them ineffectual community exercises in futility.  So effective change has to come on every societal level simultaneously in order to be sustainable, trusted and self-renewable. 

It's a complete re-thinking of what we need as opposed to what we want.  That is a complete societal paradigm shift, a true reemergence of holistic philosophies which cross all international boundaries and cultural barriers.  The entire propagandist framework currently set in place has to be reconstructed or dismantled entirely.  Everything from advertising to taxes to congressional hearings and educational models.

But we can only do this as a peaceful conglomerate, using anti-divisive propaganda and the language of unity.  Some might say that this is anarchy, or modern day revisionism.  No, this is life.  The power to welcome and accept change on a global scale is a new direction, a fresh opportunity.  Our international survival depends on it, our future as a humanity free of colonialist contamination calls for it, our willingness and fortitude toward survival demands it.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Casket

The casket was filled with rust
old from centuries accumulated
silver, gold, diamonds, copper, iron

The riches of men, giants, elves
long dead, past prime, legends dust
and caskets, made for death

Golden leaves piled upon you now
as summer dies, and autumn
encroaches in silent and death

Dreams long past forgotten
covered in mist, in frayed ribbon
cracked broken swords on shields

Test me, offer me life's question
search my spirit, my soul mind
Absolution be my bed, my grave.

October 2014

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Story of Susan Poupart

hello my name is alexandria poupart
I am on a mission and am reaching out for your help. For years i have been writing journals and diaries of my life experiences surrounding my mothers unfortunate unsolved murder. Her name is Susan Poupart and her case is listed on the wiki online dictionary. I live in such a small community and her murders are being protected by my community and the county in which i live has had a hard time getting any involvement or help from these people. I am real and my story is real i believe i am at the point in my life where i can openly speak of my unfortunate circumstance. Her name is real as well as our story. The men that took her life are going up for trial within the next few years, in my hopes to shed some light on the case i feel as if this is something i must do. For her as well as myself and my family. It is my strength and determination that has helped me cope with my reality of my situation. I feel as if i cannot just sit here and remain silent anymore, i feel i owe it to her to do something good for my self. I was only 3 when she was killed and sadly have to memories or her which torments my soul with thoughts of my own mortality and unresolved losses. I think it is my resilience of negative thoughts and feeling my mind creates that sets me apart from the people within my community, Lac du Flambeau Wisconsin. Sadly i am bound by community because everyone knows and they cover it up for the sake of these men that killed her. The guilt that haunts me and the pain i feel of losing her, my anger, the confusion of the situation. Thats is why i feel it is of great importance to me do this, i feel how can someone who hasn't lived through my experiences could possibly relate let alone understand how i felt in terms of living. i am convinced that my story and my life has value for anyone struggling to overcome their troubled past. I need to write this book to leave a record of my life and hers to fully understand myself and my morals. So to the people where i have been born and raised know of my courage and determination that has emerged among unspeakable tragedy, destructive lifestyles i lived to prove how important my healing is to me. My ordeal is real and i am still here living with this situation while maintaining my self control throughout my emotional as well as physical hardships bestowed upon me. I need to convert these feeling and thoughts into something great to do good for myself and my family. my whole life i lived in fear, darkness and almost complete isolation and yet i managed to stay positive about my life's situation. Liberation my freedom my joys my relief my children. I am now a mother, yet my nightmare has continued. This loss i have has giving me the ability to adapt and hide my pain, the confusion and the alienation of it all. The ability to live with anonymity and feelings of being mother and father less has become my inability to feel safe or close to my loved ones. There is the unresolved bereavement, shame and my inability to remember her and what our life should and or could have been if she wasn't killed and the continuing fear and hatred for these men that raped and murdered her, whom go with out punishment. Recovered, relived and recognize my grief and pain to resolve some issues i have been dealing with for the better part of 24 years.Remaining quiet among the mist of this horror and unbelievable loss with out feeling as if i am or was going crazy or falling apart. I learned to hide my emotions, i would image it wasn't real it wasn't happening to me that i could run and hide i could pretend i was someone else. Thus in which as giving me the ability to be unobtrusive to disappear as she did. Thus has left me convictions that i could never depend on others for security and understanding or safety. Over the years i have been painfully reflecting on my uncomfortable past and present situation getting my self ready for the trials to come. What has enabled me to be so resilient so good nature, is it my refusal to allow painful memories affect me now as an adult, or is it facing these men with my rage and sorrow that leads me more directly towards resolution. They may have raped and murdered her took her away from me but i will not allow them to break my spirit. I refuse to feel as if i am a victim of this heinousness crime. I am a survivor and self confidence is the key to my survival that has given me a sense of who i am. I struggle everyday and will so until this has come to an end. My experiences that i lived throughout the chaos of my life i have made it and it has made me the better person i know my mother would have raised me to be if only giving the chance. it has taking me years to understand but i am beginning to understand how it happened and what they did to her and what they did to me.
I am real as well as my story.
Susan R. Poupart is her name and she was real.
You can do some research on her and if u feel as if this is my time to get my story heard, i look forward to hearing from you.
I am ready to do this just not alone.
I also love your page it speaks volumes to me i feel as if you are speaking to me indirectly through your messages.
Thank you for your time,
Alexandria Poupart
From Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin

(This story was shared with me from a Facebook Post from Alex Poupart, 2/11/2015, RLeith)

Monday, May 12, 2014

I Demand US Reparations for ALL Crimes.

The US has never PAID for the incalculable atrocities committed on the American Indian during it's rapid and vicious growth.  Billions of dollars are OWED to ALL TRIBES for the unbridled genocide, ethnocide, and infanticide committed in the name of God and Country.  The US needs to be TRIED and SENTENCED in the International Court of Crimes, for crimes committed against the Indigenous people of the Northern Hemisphere.