
Chanku Luta (Red Road)

Hau Mitakuyapi
Take a minute, read, review, comment, we of the Dakota Nation may be forgotten in time, but for now we will never be ignored...I will see you on the Red Road of Life...Wopida Tanka
Hokshida Maza (Iron Boy) Bdewakantowan Dakota Akichita

Monday, November 22, 2010

News From Indian Country Interview

This is the News From Indian Country interview I did on the Wolfchild vs US case which is in Federal Court of Claims.  The interviewer is Editor, Paul DeMain, LCO, Hayward, Wisconsin.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Red Earth Staff & Volunteers

Red Earth Staff & Volunteers

Ron Leith, Event Coordinator

116 W. 5th St.

Redwood Falls, MN 56283


Werdena Leith, Minnesota Coordinator

Tom LaBlanc, Northern Coordinator

Gracie Horn, Southern Coordinator

Carl Leith, Web Master, Ticket Sales

Anne Graham, Backstage Manager

Millie Odegard, Accountant
Mark Blue
Danette Thompson
Michelle Horjesh
Lou Crane
Steve Smith

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wolfchild vs US

1. Shakopee made several other attempts to terminate the trust back in 1975 and 1976 and those were turned down. Judge Lettow said these rejections are key to the case. He asked the gov lawyer why these were turned down and she avoided the question and changed the subject.

yup..even i know they did..those attempts are even posted on the Library of Congress wasnt passed until a senator insisted that the savings clause is added

2. The gov lawyer kept trying to use a statute of limitations to have the case dismissed. The judge responded by asking when would the statute start since we have not even begun to litigate this case yet???

only after we are given a full accounting can the statute of limitations begin to run

3. NIGRA approved MSC percapita documentation can be changed at any time. The judge and Eric both are aware that the government can alter percap distributions at any time and why havent they?

the revolving door of the Mn BIA...take the money and resign

the 3 "communities" should have had a BIA agent since they were organized

the only BIA agent in MN is assigned to the Mn Chippewa Tribe

The Sec. of Interior has ultimate Authority and Jurisdiction over all the IRA tribes and communities...what he approves and disapproves can be reversed at anytime..and there is no time limit on his authority

4. The three communities are not reservations and are not protected under soverign immunity and can be sued any time and many times. They are communites.

exactly..the land was set aside to benefit another group of ppl

the ppl currently occupying the land, dont actually own the land

the only ppl that are beyond federal and state statute are the ppl that actually own the land

5. Eric asked for Executive Power over the Government because their not working with us.

need to see the transcripts for this one

6. The Court of Appeals did not rule or say anything about a Mandating Duty so now that will be up to Judge Lettow to rule on.

7. Lettow mentioned that in his opinion some form of Trust still does exist. He also said because of this the Government has a lot of work to do to prove it doesnt and have failed to do so.

6+7..pretty much go together..

the DOI was supposed to delegate that duty to a special trustee to oversee the collecting and distribution of all profits generated from the land...since the 3 "communities' never had their own BIA agent to report to they took it upon themselves to determine who would benefit

its in Lettows authority to make sure the DOI assigns a special trustee

8. Eric Kaardal asked the court why the Government is still maintaining their position against us so adamantly since they have so blatently failed to discredit our arguments. Why haven't they begun to go after the three communities yet.

mostly likely a very severe political problem..the 3 US "communities" acting as agent or agencies of the US government are acting illegally in the operation of gaming facilities for the past 15 or so years

the last time i checked it was very illegal for the US government to run a business at a profit

Please elaborate anybody and looking forward to all the genius LD's to add to or correct any typo's I may have written. I'm going by Deans notes over the phone.

I mentioned to Dean that Shakopee used to be ready to jump if they didnt get their gravel pit checks exactly on time way before casino PC and he mentioned an aunt who was from Shakopee who brought it up in a community meeting way back when Norman was in charge. She said well we all got those sand payments back when we had no money here from LS every month, so now that we have all this money why shouldnt we give it back to them. She was of course refering to the gravel pit distributions that LS faithfully shared with both Shakopee and Prairie Island every month for the full time the gravel pit showed profits.

Back then Shakopee consisted of only about 250 acres of totally trust land and had no resources at all. Today none of us know how big the rez is but I've heard its over 2000 acres of prime land. All trust land since Stanley has invested our money for us by buying up land.

Thank you Dean

Friday, October 22, 2010

Oceti Sakowin



Oceti Sakowin


1851 Traverse des Sioux Treaty Conference


December 4, 2010, Saturday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Redwood Falls Public Library

509 South Lincoln Street

Redwood Falls, Minnesota

(Library No. 507-627-8650)

All Dakota/Nakota/Lakota Oyate Invited:

  • Opening Prayer – Arvol Looking Horse (invited)
  • Dakota Welcome by – Grace Goldtooth
    • on behalf of the Minnesota Mdewakantonwan Oyate
  • Presentation by Lakota Oyate Committee Representative

Lunch provided by Cansayapi Dakota Elders

  • Discussion of Treaties 1805-1858 with the US
  • Discussion of International Criminal Court
  • Open Forum
  • Closing Prayer – Yvonne Leith, Mazaokiyewin

Contract: Ron Leith, Hoksida Maza, Coordinator


(All participants responsible for their own expenses.)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Treaties and the Courts

At times I find that others can express what is in my own thoughts more eloquently than I can, so I would like to share some comments on Treaties as expressed by others, and add a commentary for myself.

From "The Rights of Indians and Tribes" pg. 53 by Stephan L. Pevar, ACLU, The Authoritative ACLU Guide to Indian and Tribal Rights, to 2004
Indian Treaties belong not just to Indians; they belong to everyone in the United States.  Perhaps some of these Treaties seem "unfair" to non-Indians under today's standards, just as many of these treaties seemed unfair to Indians at the time they were written.  But regardless of how they seemed then or seem now, the citizens of this country have a legal, moral, and ethical duty to enforce these treaties.  Indians paid dearly for their treaty rights, and the federal government should keep it's end of the bargain.  Some people , calling these treaties "ancient documents," argue that it is time to ignore them.  On the contrary, these documents deserve the same continuing respect as the venerable Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. As one court observed in enforcing a century old treaty. "[T]he mere passage of time has not eroded, and cannot erode, the rights guaranteed by solemn treaties that both sides pledged on their honor to uphold" C&L Enterprises v.Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe, 121 S.Ct. 1589 (2001)

I don't believe that an honest American would purposely trample on the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution.  So why would the U.S. trample on a Treaty made in good faith with one of the aboriginal inhabitants of this great country.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Makoce Duta-Red Earth Benefit Concert for Dakota Treaty Rghts

Makoce Duta (Red Earth) Benefit Concert for Dakota Treaty Rights

This event was cancelled due to lack of resources for the 2011 deadline.  As time and commitments allow this event will be revisited for 2012, Thank you for your interest and support.

Where: To Be Announced

When: Postpoined

Why: To raise funds for the promotion and defense of Dakota Oyate Treaty Rights throughout North America.

The treaty rights of the Dakota have been grossly violated and subjugated by the American government.  The violations are numerous and they need to be vindicated both here in the United States and in the International forums of justice.
The United States stole over 20 million acres from the Dakota Oceti Sakowin during the early 1800's from 1805 to 1858.  And they have never been repatriated.  The crimes have been left undisturbed for over 150 years.

It is now time for the Dakota Oyate to unite and demand that the treaties be reviewed and and be corrected to reflect the true intention of the documents.

And the state of MInnesota needs to be held accountable for the illegal expulsion of the Dakota Oyate who in good faith treatied with them for the purpose of peace and harmony.

Also the families of the 38+2 need to be compensated for the illegal hanging that took place in Mankato December 1863.

Also the families of those women and children who were force marched fro the Lower Sioux Agency in 1862/63 then to Mankato and finally to Ft. Snelling need to be compensated for the harm to life, distruction of peace, and murder. 

Tentative Artist Line Up

Red Ponie, [confirmed]
Bobby Young [confirmed]
JohnTrudell [invited]
Bob Dylan (invited)
Carlos Santana (to be invited)
Eagles (invited)
Jackson Brown (invited)
Lost Lonely Boys (to be invited)
Los Lobos (to be invited)
Neil Young (to be invited)
Alicia Keys' (to be invited)
Sting (to be invited)
Jackson Brown (invited)
Sarah McLaughlin (to be invited)
Joss Stone (to be invited)
U2 (to be invited)
Buffy St. Marie (to be invited)
Taj Mahal (to be invited)
Keith Secola (invited)
Indigenous (to be invited)
Mary J Blige (to be invited)
Sherry Blakey Smith (invited)
Shania Twain (to be invited)

Robert Redford (to be invited)
Val Kilmer (to be invited)
Wes Studi (to be invited)
Gary Farmer (to be invited)
Gerald Auger (confirmed)
Elaine Miles (invited)
Adam Beach (to be invited)
Russell Means (invited)
Bill Means (invited)

Midnight Express (invited National Champion Drum)
The Boyz (invited National Champion Drum)

more artists to be announced, stay posted, thank you.

For More Information Please Contact:

Ron Leith,
Minnesota Manager

Werdena Leith,
Minnesota Artist Coordinator

Carl Leith, Webmaster
Benefit Concert Website Manager

Tom LeBlanc, Northern National Coordinator

Gracie Horn, Southern National Coordinator

Anne Graham, Back Stage Coordinator

Monday, October 11, 2010

1851 Traverse Des Sioux Treaty Conference

I've picked a date for the 1851 Treaty Conference, December 4, 2010.  It will be at the Redwood Public Library in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.  The conference is scheduled for 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  The Cansayapi Tewahe Kunsi's are going to bring lunch. But otherwise all of the attendees are responsible for their own expenses.  The agenda is a two point agenda as we will be short on time.
1.) Open discussion on the 1805-1858 treaties between the United States and the Dakota Oyate.
2.) Open discussion on the International Court of Crimes. The indictment of the US for crimes against the   Dakota Nation and other federal violations of the treaties.

I've asked Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred Calf Pipe to come if he can, as he gets very busy.

I've also asked the Tituwan Lakota Oyate Committee/International Northern Hemisphere Indigenous Summit from Lower Brule to attend.  They are working along the same lines on behalf of the Lakota Nation.

The closing prayer will be said by Yvonne Leith, Upper Sioux Community elder.

I will post more as it occurs.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Minnesota Dakota Treaty Histories and the International Landscape


1805 Zebulon Pike Treaty

1825 Prairie du Chien Treaty

1837 Treaty of Traverse des Sioux

1851 1837 (repeated)

1852 Prarie du Chien II

1858 Senate Resolution

1858 with Wahpekute/Mdewakanton

1858 with Sisseton

1858 with Yankton/Pipestone Agreement

1862 Dakota Conflict

1862 December 26-Mass hanging of Dakota Akichita at Mankato

1862  December 26 Mayo family steal Dakota remains and initiate Mayo Clinic

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Shifting the Indigenous Landscape

The Mdewakanton Dakota Oyate in the 21st Century 
(Inevitable Awakenings)

Part 1. Family History

One summer morning, over coffee and toast in a two story white house in west end of St. Paul I had a quick conversation with my father, Clarence Leith.  Bee, or Bishop, as he was known to the family just happened to be in a talkative mood and he wanted to share Leith family information with his oldest son, me.

He said we have land in Shakopee that has been in our family since the late 1800's.  Our family, the Leith's are direct lineal descendants of Taoyateduta, or Little Crow, was Hereditary Chief of the Mdewakanton Dakota.  He was actually only one Little Crow in a line of Little Crows, all of whom served as Chiefs of the Mdewakanton.

Little Crow is probably better known as the Sioux Chief that led the warriors in battle during the Dakota War or Dakota Conflict of 1862 in Minnesota, sometimes known as the Minnesota Sioux Uprising.

"Never be ashamed of being a Leith, and remember if you ever in a fight, and you run, you're not a Leith."

My father came from the family of James and Agnes (Dow) Leith.  He had seven brothers and two sisters.

The last of his brother's James, passed away this past March, 2010.

My parents met in Grand Forks, North Dakota while working in the potato fields as field hands. He didn't finish High School until we were living in that little white house and he was in his late forties.  He got his GED in order to become a male nurse at the Little Sister's of the Poor.

I am the oldest of five boys born to Clarence and Clara (Green) Leith.  I was born in St. Paul, Minnesota.

My father was an enrolled member of the Lower Sioux Indian Community, Morton, Minnesota, and my mother was an enrolled member of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Red Lake, Minnesota.

When my brothers and I were born, my mother enrolled us in the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Red Lake, Minnesota.  This is pertinent to my history because it helped to determine who we would become as adults.  I have four brother's, all of whom are enrolled in Red Lake, the Red Lake Nation.

Both of my parent's were married before.  This fact would come into play later on as I turned into an adult and learned more about tribal enrollment and what that means in Indian Country.

I have quite an illustrious family background, but then so does every other American Indian you meet.

When I left Red Lake High School in December 1970 I went to Kent State University in Kent, Ohio.

The Dakota Nation and their National History, (a brief synopsis).

The Bde/Mdewakantowan Dakota Oyate are a part of a larger Dakota Nation, known in as the Oceti Sakowin, or Seven Council Fires of the Dakota Nation or the Dak'ota Oyate.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hard Times in Middle America

For the third day in a row the stock market has taken a beating and the unemployment rate is at an all time high.  The American poor have not far to go in a downward spiral.  They cannot lose much more than they already have lost.  Many have been at the less than poverty level for some time. It is the proverbial American middle class, the working poor, the blue and grey collar workers that are taken a beating at home and on the street.  Washington D.C. has been pumping money into the working sector via government programs.  But these remedies are not able to keep pace with the lose of jobs, homes, health insurance, car insurance and every other type of necessity which keeps Mr. and Mrs. Joe Average afloat.  The remedies are not keeping up with the problems.
But on the high side CEO's are losing their positions with millions of dollars in exit package benefits. For spoiling the Gulf of Mexico the ex-CEO for British Pertroleum was cut loose with a 23.3 million dollar severance package.  So even in midst of environmental calamities, and American misfortune, excessively paid CEO's still remain recalcitrant, excessively severanced CEO's.  To the dismay of the average American citizen.
My point in this landscape review is that the gap between the rick and poor is becoming a real gap without the upper or lower middle class as a buffer zone.  Millions of middle class homes, four to six bedroom, two plus baths, mud rooms, 4 acres, whatever are being left and abandoned for the foreclosure call to bottle up and try and sell off.  The countryside is a scattered vision of what American may have been or could be, but is not.  Lots abandoned, forelorn fire hydrants, exiled multi-cable connections with nowhere to go, the end of the power line service.  A scenic view of vacant cul-de-sacs without the element of a living context. 
The recession is hanging on for dear life.  And even though we have a well meaning, very capable President in the White House, the financial conundrum may be way beyond anyone's capability to resolve.  It may be that we all need to re-strategize our our personal priorities, our individual vision, and certainly our daily choices in order to survive.
We are all being forced to rethink who are are, what we want, and where we want to be.  This day has been coming for a long time, now here we are.  The American individualistice philosophy may be the saviour or it may be the defeat of all we know and understand.  That is if that is the philosophy that drives us and keeps us afloat.  If not then another systemic change may need to take place in order to expose us to alternative plans and options.  Those are personal choices.
The paths are not only beginning to narrow, they are also diminishing in number.  That is where the fear lies.  Path number one or path number two.  We may not even have a choice, is it possible that the choice has already been made for us.
The Prognosticator.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Apathy in Canada

Indian Country Today, an American Indian newspaper is publishing a four part story on murdered and missing Indigenous women in Canadian Provinces.  There are several Native women's organizations that have been trying to gain greater publicity on the atrocities taking place in the Canadian cities with regard to Native women and girls.  Although records of the murders have been documented it seems as though the law enforcement community is not taking the issues with the appropriate speed and conceren necessary in order to bring these killings to a halt.  In Minneapolis during the mid-80's there was also a rash of muders, not all were Native women, but many victims were Native females.  In that instance the American Indian Movement and several other prominent Native organizations took it upon themselves to ensure the appropriate course of action was taken by the city of Minneapolis law enforcement and other related agencies.  In the caser of the Canadian murders and missing persons reports it seems as though the Canadian authorities are deluged in apathetic behavior.  Many of the missing are being suspected to have been indoctrinated into the huiman sex slave trade for service and eventual disposal. 
ICT has managed to obtain some first person reports that lead the readers to obtain a sordid glimpse into the atrocities that accompany this type of business.  It also appears that Canada is being viewed as a safehaven for pedophile/sex master types from all around the world who apparently practice their trade without fear of being caught or legal retribution.  And for reasons only the victimizers know there seems to be a growing affection for Native women and girls who are sold into this trafficing practice.  My first post is an effort to inform and disseminate information via WWW on this particular issue. 
In reading A Woman in Charge, by Carl Bernstein, he writes about Hillary Clinton's historical relationship with Marien Wright Edelman, founder of the Children's Defense Fund.  And seeing that historical concern it is hard to believe that these horrid atrocities are taking place in Canadian Provinces and that very little attention is being given to this issue.  The numbers of women and girls missing and or mudered are staggering, maybe in the thousands.  Hopefully by writing this blog there will be an interest piqued for more information.